Find some Pictures

Get into a search engine or one of the sites listed below and find the best pictures. The pictures need to directly relate to the words in your script.

They need to be at least 40 Kilobytes (KB) to look good on the computer and not pixellate (look blocky), but the best size is from 50-150 KB.

Search tips...if nothing comes up for your search, it may be too specific. If nothing comes up for "evil old man with blue eyes" you might try "blue eyes" or "mean old man." Try to think of alternate terms or simpler terms. 

Here's how to search in Google Images:
  • Click on the thumbnail of the image you want.
  • Right click on the image on the next page, thenclick "view image info" in the menu
  • Check the size of the image file. It should be 50-150 KB. If it is bigger than 150, it will still look good but might make your trailer too slow to load
  • If the size is right and you want to save it, right click, choose "save image as", name it and save to your trailer folder.  
  • You should not use images that have watermark/copyright symbols superimposed on them.  

Below are a few places you can visit for royalty free stock images; however, you may also type "royalty free images" into your search engine.



• 4FreePhotos

  You can also use the clipart that comes with PowerPoint. You do not need to cite the clipart, but should put a notation like "clipart courtesy Microsoft PowerPoint 2010."

Make a Word document with the name "Book Title bibliography." 
Save pictures (right click and choose "save picture as") into the book's folder and rename them to match what you put in the brackets on your script template.
 Cut (Ctrl c) and paste (Ctrl v) the url (url=the address of the webpage where you found each image, in the address bar, it starts with http://) of each picture you copy into your Bibliography, with the picture title.  Every image must be in the bibliography!
example: Orange Cat -
Make sure the url is for the original site the picture came from, not the search page! If the url has google or bing at the beginning it is the address of the search results page.

Go to Google and type the book's name inside of quotation marks to get an exact match.  See if you can find a 50-100KB image of the book cover. (You can right click on the image to see how big the file size is).

  1. Make a Word Document. Name it  "Bibliography" and save it to the book trailer folder in your documents folder.
  2. Find an image for each line of your script using the guidelines above.
  3. Copy  and paste the url of each picture into your bibliography 
  4. Save each image to your book trailer folder, named with the term in the left hand column of your template. 
  5. Find a picture of the Book cover. Paste the url into your bibliograpy and save the image to your folder.  
  6. You will copy and paste this information into your final slide which will be named "Credits"